Social Media Marketing vs Traditional Marketing — What’s Effective In 2021?

2 min readApr 20, 2021


The exponential growth of smartphones has paved the way for a revolution across various industries. This smartphone ecosystem is catapulting what television did in the early 2000s, with the numbers currently standing at 3.8 billion smartphone users. Just so you know, 3.5 billion people are active in social media. If you are keen on doing the math, one in two people across the world is leveraging social media right now. So, as a marketer, are you wondering if social media marketing works? Are you still reluctant to come out of your traditional marketing approach? Well, by the end of this blog, you’ll gain clarity on what will work in 2021. Fasten your seat belts. It’s Social Media Marketing Vs. Traditional Marketing.

Traditional Marketing — A Quick Overview

Traditional Marketing typically involves advertising via conventional channels like newspapers, televisions, radio, billboards, etc. Until the digital revolution, traditional marketing has remained the core of operations for numerous marketers worldwide. Not to mention the fact that traditional marketing is effective even today, except that the frequency and dependability of marketers have reduced significantly.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Simply put, in social media marketing, social media sites are the modes of communication through which brands engage with the audience. Ads across different sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., get categorized under social media marketing. Just so you know, 90.4% of social media users are millennials, opening a floodgate of opportunities for years to come.

The Common Thread

Keeping aside numerous differences, social media marketing & traditional marketing share certain common aspects. They include,

The Elephant in the Room — Differences

While both these strategies converge at building brand reputation, the approach and path remain fundamentally different. Let’s discuss the differences between social media marketing and traditional marketing here,


While traditional marketing bore fruits before the advent of the Internet, the time is ripe for marketers to look beyond newspapers and TV commercials. With numerous advantages, social media marketing can be the one carrying the baton of success for years to come.

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Co-founder at Inscriberz — Specialists in B2B content for technology companies